Real Property Management Rio Grande

Is your rental home vacant?

Whether you are a client or an individual managing your own home, you need to minimize the amount of time it is vacant.

Many bad things can happen to a vacant home that wouldnt happen to a occupied home

1) Fire: small electrical fires or smoke smells would be caught by a tenant. outlets, lights, heaters, appliances can cause these. Cost: $150 if Occupied, >5000 if vacant

2) Flood: probably the biggest risk. Pipes leak, freeze… fittings come loose. sewer lines decay. These are quickly caught by tenants. Cost: $150 if Occupied, >5000 if vacant

3) Breakins and squatters: Local people know when a property is vacant. they might try to fraudulently lease it, move in, or just have a party. Either way the damage to you is potentially high.

Insurance may cover some of this…. assuming your carrier approved you having a vacant house and not monitoring it. And they will charge a ton for a vacant house. … but the work and potential loss is huge.

We secure the home quickly, rent it ASAP, and let you kno the risk vs rewards of waiting for a tenant. Call us today to eliminate these huge vacancy risks.

